September 24th, 2009 by melissa

This morning we were out and about to our class at Coastline. It was a rough start for Nicole. She was pretty cranky. She wasn’t very nice to Justin in the car on the way to class so she couldn’t participate in class right away. The kids had a great time in class. I got to play dollhouse with the little baby and grandma and Justin played cars. The usual things. We went to BK to play in the play area after. The kids ate a little but then really wanted to play. The kids had a great time. Nicole wanted Katie to come in our car. Nicole is worshiping Katie these days. Nicole said she wanted to marry Katie and when I asked Nicole what she wanted for lunch, the response I got was whatever Katie is having. We did a few errands then came home for a bit. We were off again to Nicole’s dance class. We walked over and it was so hot! I decided to take advantage of having Justin time and taught him how to play crazy 8’s while Nicole danced. We had so much fun together and I got so many I love you mommy’s, it was priceless. After we went to the pizza place to play games. So nice I just sat at a table while the kids played. I am so tired today. A friend met us over there and so did daddy after work. We had pizza and the kids convinced us to go to frozen yogurt too. So good. We came home and the kiddos just wanted to play. They are in bed but not asleep yet. I am heading to bed very shortly. I almost fell asleep in Justin’s bed while I was putting him to bed.

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