September 26th, 2009 by melissa

We love the weekend. Dad got home late last night but caught up with some friends from high school. This morning Nicole and I went to Target while dad and I played. I can’t believe how long we could have stayed in Target. Then we met dad and Justin at Lowe’s. The kids made a fire truck today.

lowes firetruck1justin green car 92609

Nicole loved pounding the nails. We put her Dewey stuffed animal in her apron and she loved it. Dewey kept falling asleep in the pouch. After Nicole and I stopped at Carters while dad and Justin headed home. All of a sudden Justin comes out of the bathroom telling us he is scared of a lizard. Yap we had a lizard in our house. Dad and I cornered it and I threw a tupperware container on it. Of course with the biggest scream ever. The kids were just looking at us. The kids looked at what they called Mr. Lizard then dad set it free outside. I am just glad we caught it. After lunch we played with the kiddos. We played crazy 8’s and the kids had such a great time. Dad took a nap while the kids watched the Bee Movie. I was working on my scrapbook and then heard the kiddos. Justin wanted to sit on my lap to watch it, so I sat down with them. After the movie the kiddos were grumpy and tired. Finally we decided to go to the lagoon in Irvine. We were bad and snuck in and out. The kids loved the slides there and it was great family time. Guess we all needed to get out of the house. We went for an early dinner as we were all hungry. The kids were playing games before our food arrived. Or course both wanting the driving game. Nicole was playing and we told Justin to go tell her one more minute. All of a sudden Nicole comes running over telling us Justin told her that her food was there. It was so funny. Justin was sneaky but later we think he said the food will be there in a minute. We stopped at Toys R Us to get some birthday gifts. The kids are getting in the stage of wanting to buy everything. Luckily no tantrums or anything. I just feel bad always saying no. The kids played in the toy store. When we got home it was upstairs. The kiddos played, we read books, and the two very tired kiddos went right to sleep.

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