September 25th, 2009 by melissa

We went to bed early last night. Justin ended up coming in our room again last night. I brought him back to his bed after a bit. He woke up saying he couldn’t find mommy to get hugs. I was on his floor sleeping for a bit and I bet he thought I was still there. The kids went to pre school this morning. Another morning to myself. I headed to the gym and had a bad run. I haven’t consistently been running and I felt it today. By the time I am done at the gym and home to shower it is time to pick the munch kins up. I had to carry so many of their toys in to school to help me pick them up! We played outside for a bit and had lunch then headed over to the library. I ran into a friend. The kids looked through books and we checked out a few. We came home and the kiddos played a bit. And since it is so hot out we headed to the pool. We had a great time. I will be sad when it is too cold to swim. The kids brought their kick boards and loved using them. They were pretty good with them-although ran into trouble every now and then. When we got home the kiddos played with their hamsters we got from Vegas and we read some books. We went outside and we saw Zoe and some neighbors. The kids wanted to chat with the next door neighbors then show them their rooms. So cute. The kids did chalk outside. We came in and had a quick dinner then headed to Blue Gum to meet some friends. Nicole and Penny played so well together. Laughing and throwing the ball. Unfortunately Nicole didn’t want any boys (Justin) but they included him. I need to work on getting his some boy play dates. We had a great time at the park. Penny brought a bouncy ball so we had a fun time throwing the ball over the volleyball court. When we got home Nicole wanted to stay downstairs while Justin headed up. Dad started reading to Justin. Justin was really tired tonight. I spent the night looking for Nicole’s pink bear, named Beary. We put the kiddos to bed and dad headed out. His 20th high school reunion is this weekend. Tonight they were meeting at some bar. I am just sitting watching TV.

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