September 29th, 2009 by melissa

We have been so busy lately. We got up this morning and needed to get ready for the cleaners. So much to clean up! The kids helped so much. We were headed to a friends house for a play date this morning. On the way I needed to do a return at Wal-Mart. The kids weren’t too pleased as they wanted to play at their friends. The kids had a great time playing. Nicole and Lexie played so well together. Justin did really well for a while but he wanted some boys toys. He was much happier outside. We had to stop at Costco on the way home to get some pics. I let the kids help me pump gas and they loved it. I let them sit in the passenger seat to go from the gas station to the parking lot at Costco. What a treat for them, they loved it. I even got a huge thank you after. It was nice to be home. The kiddos watched some TV. During TV I got a lot done and then gave the kiddos a bath/shower. Justin took a shower and Nicole took a bath. They liked being alone in the shower/bath. We got all dried off just to get wet again. The kids helped me wash my car. So funny it actually sprinkled for about 2 minutes. By the time the rain stopped the kids had their umbrellas and boots on hoping for a big rain. We had a great time outside. The kids played while I waxed my car in the garage as I was afraid of more rain. The kids got their scooters out and went all around the house, through the gates, pretending to be in a parade. The bikes came out, the cars came out. I also worked in the garage a bit so put some sleeping bags on the driveway. That was a whole new entertainment value. The kids pretended to sleep on the driveway and dad hung out with them too. We had a late dinner since we were having so much fun outside. Such a great night. Nice and relaxing just what I needed. We went upstairs and the kids built towers with their Megablocks. Justin was so excited since he got to wear his warmer jammies. We read books and cuddled. Justin was really tired tonight. Nicole wanted to give him a hug goodnight but Justin was too tired. Time to catch up on my TV and start thinking more about the kiddos birthday party.

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