September 30th, 2009 by melissa

Today was my day to work at pre school. The kids and I had fun. I love playing with them. They did a lot of cutting and pasting today. Justin still tried to hold the scissors in two hands. Nicole shared fluffy and Justin shared his hot wheels car. Unfortunately we left his car at school but hopefully we can find it next time we are there. The kids played duck duck goose. So cute Justin picked Nicole then she picked him. Nicole who now prefers Nikki was dressed up as Scooby Doo again. Justin and the teacher were pretending to take pictures of her. It was a fun morning at school. The kids don’t get jealous at all when other kids sit on my lap. The kids stayed for pre-k for a bit while I did some work. Nicole just wanted to come home after school so that is just what we did. After playing a bit we went to do some errands. I volunteered to get the bunny food for the pre school bunny. We never get to go to the pet store and the kids love it. They saw fish, birds, hamsters, lizards, etc. It was a great outing. We needed to do a couple more things then came home. I decided to get the Halloween decorations out. So fun with the kiddos. Justin loved the Halloween tree. The kids were pretending the tree was a Christmas tree so they wrapped presents in their blankets. They pretended to be Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus. Can’t believe tomorrow is October already. When dad came home the kiddos wanted to go out front and drive their cars. So I made dinner then after dinner we all went back out again. I did some gardening. It was a nice quiet evening. The kids were all bummed that we didn’t watch TV today. So when we got upstairs we let them watch in our bed. Then it was time to go to bed. Justin is such a cuddler; he always wants me to stay in his room.

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