Survived First Night with Big Kid Beds

May 24th, 2008 by melissa

The kids did great last night, stayed in their beds all night-even slept in a bit this morning. We weren’t sure if it was going to rain or not but we decided to chance it and go to the park. We went over to Settler’s park. There was a group there flying planes and helicopters, so the kids got to see that. We brought the kid’s golf clubs, a  bat, and some balls. The kids hit the balls with the golf clubs for a while. Dad tried to teach them baseball. They were throwing the balls, running and laughing. Justin went over to the volleyball net and threw the ball into the net. We had a great time. Then the kiddos rode their tricycles on the little path. Nicole went pretty fast down the hill. We played on the play equipment for a while. This park has lots of stuff to climb on; we all had fun! We came home and made some cheesecake brownies for a bbq we are going to tomorrow. The kids love to cook. They both helped to pour the brownie mix in, eggs, oil, etc. They were great little helpers. They mixed the batter so well. It was fun cooking with the kiddos. They even got to eat some of the cheesecake batter with their fingers. We played in the backyard and had some lunch. Justin took a nap today but Nicole decided not too. I did catch them out of their beds once at nap time. All of a sudden I heard Nicole reading a book I didn’t put in her crib and they were out. I just had to tell them to get back in once. Since Justin was sleeping and Nicole wasn’t I took Nicole out. We came downstairs and we had so much fun playing together. We colored for a while then had a snack together. We put chedder bunnies in a play bowl and poured them out and counted them then fed each other. Then we drank water too. We both had sippy cups and we clanked our cups and said cheers. We played with the play kitchen and cooked lots of stuff. It was really nice having some one on one time with her. After Justin woke up, dad took the kiddos to Home Depot. Daddy did really well except he forgot to put shoes on the kids (they liked it better that way, just silly). We played a little before dinner then went to Red Robin for dinner. The kids did great at dinner. They both got balloons and Justin’s popped on the way home. He was so sad, trying not to cry but then he couldn’t help him self, It was so sad, luckily we blew up another one when we got home. The kids got to eat one of the brownies they baked too. Wow what well behaved kids when brownies are involved. They gave me their plates to clean up, said thank you. It was bath night then read lots of books and off to bed. They are both sleeping right now-nice.

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