More Gloomy Weather

May 25th, 2008 by melissa

I need sunshine! Justin woke up before Nicole, so him and I snuck downstairs and got some alone time. It was really nice. We unloaded the dishwasher, read books, did some drawing, ball playing, etc. This morning we had a nice Sunday morning breakfast together. Usually the kids eat at their table and we just walk around and eat but we all ate together, it was nice. We had a nice morning at home too. We played inside for a while. We read the newspaper together. The kid’s really like drawing on these dry erase books we have. We decided to plant some plants together. The kids did a great job adding dirt to Bret’s and my plant. We also re-planted the kid’s green beans. It was fun to garden with the kiddos. Then our friend came over with their baby. Nicole loved the baby and it was fun! Gave them some of our old toys too. After the kids didn’t take a nap-ugh and they seemed to need one too. Well they have discovered that getting out of their beds can be fun. We heard them running down the hall laughing hysterically. It was pretty funny but they went right back in their bed when we asked them too. Nicole went potty on her own too. They were laughing at each other saying banana (I guess that is a toddler joke) and cracking up, so no nap. After no nap we went over to a friends, Maggie and Harvey’s bbq. We had a great time and the kids had fun with the bounce house and all the toys. Nicole was pretty tantrumy this afternoon, so it made for a long afternoon. We decided to take a walk after the bbq. We went to bunny path and got to see one bunny. Nicole wanted to give him a kiss. Luckily getting out the kiddos were pretty happy. They were running, walking, giggling, picking flowers, finding sticks, etc. We came home and played for a little while downstairs. Then it was time to go up, brush our teeth, read books. Justin pretended to give me a haircut, he loved when he put my hair in my face and I hid and Nicole gave daddy a haircut. We put the kiddos down to sleep a little early, Justin was out within 5 minutes. Nicole needed a little rocking but then I had to rock her baby too.

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