Memorial Day

May 27th, 2008 by melissa

We made pancakes with the kiddos this morning. They love cooking. We headed out early this morning to Castle (Northwood) Park. We had a great time with the kiddos. The kids ran in the castle and played ring around the rosie. We played in the sand for a bit then it was time for the swings. The kids loved it when we pushed them and ran under their swings. The kiddos went on the play structures, down the slides, etc. The city bus drivers take breaks over by the park, so I heard a bus. We walked over and asked if we could go in the bus. The kids were so excited. They sat on the bus but of course they wanted a ride too. They went in the back of the bus then out the back door. It was cute. But then we saw a tractor. So we went over to the tractor. Dad put the kids on it so they could drive it. They loved it-I wish I had the camera with me. It was time to pack up all the sand toys and come home. We made brownies together for a bbq we are going to this afternoon. The kids love cooking, stirring, putting the ingredients in, etc. Grammy came over to have lunch with us and have Bret help her with her car. She brought the kiddos a lot of clothes and of course Nicole had try on as many things as she could. She loved the purple Hello Kitty bathing suit. Justin wanted to try on some of his clothes too. We had fun playing in the house. The kids are into putting the beads on the floor and making squares and circles with them then jumping in them. It was cute and they both wanted green beads. Well we finally got the kiddos down for a nap today. They did really well staying in their big crib beds. Maybe we finally tired them out. After nap we headed to Vena and Michael’s for a Memorial day bbq. It was really fun. Victoria and Todd were there too. The kiddos all played really well together. We brought over our doll strollers since Vena had two lawn mowers, so all the kids could push things…there was a little fighting over the doll strollers. Luckily Michael had a solution and kept on bringing out other toys such as umbrella strollers, etc. Nicole and Justin liked eating outside on the little picnic table. All the kids were eating each other’s food and drinking out of each other’s sippy cups. Nicole and Justin really liked Vena’s dogs as did I. The kids played inside and out. They were into all the new toys and just had a great time. We actually got to talk to adults too. It was nice and relaxing. After we got home, the kiddos were ready for a bath, since it was a little late we put them in the shower. They had a little fun with the sprayer in the shower. They did really great but they like baths better they told me. Well since they did nap, the consequences were a little later bed time. It is 9:30 and the kiddos are both up reading in their big kid beds.

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