December 26th, 2009 by melissa

Well it is official I have a cold, ugh. I woke up a bit last night. This morning we were all hanging out and I decided to go back to sleep for a bit. I promised Nicole I would take her ice skating so I needed more rest. The kids had a great time with dad playing games. Nicole came upstairs to tuck me in and give me some of her animals. When I woke up we played, the kids wanted to go swing even though it was cold out. They still love their swings. I love listening to them giggle in them, Nicole has to get in it herself. We had lunch then Nicole and I were off to go ice skating. Dad and Justin were heading to the park to feed the ducks and the pizza place for games. Nik and I had a great time ice skating. She is doing so well. When I asked her about taking lessons again she informed me she already knew how to skate, do twists, and go backwards. She says she wants to be like Tinkerbell on ice from Disney on Ice. I took her to the candy store after. I know I am a sucker, I was so grateful she wanted to be with me and she is so affectionate I decided I would make it a great mom and daughter outing. We stopped at Lakeshore to exchange something on the way home. We made it in time for the craft and got one for Justin to do at home (Happy New Year hat). Dad and Justin weren’t home when we got home, so we took Zoe out. We threw balls to her. Nicole really wanted to walk Zoe but Zoe pulls a bit. Finally I let her do it on the greenbelt and Nicole did really well. On the greenbelt Nicole could let go of Zoe’s leash and everyone would be safe. Nicole loved it and wanted to walk Zoe more. However, Zoe noticed her balls and just wanted us to throw the for her. She is cuckoo over her balls. Dad and Justin had as much fun with their alone time. Justin was telling me about the games he played at the pizza place. I love one on one time but I miss being with the other child and daddy. The kids were overdue for a shower so we gave them showers. So nice to have clean smelling children. I let Justin stay in for an extra long time as I noticed he is getting sniffly-the hot shower probably felt good. Well I am an idiot-I forgot to put out two Christmas presents. So we gave them to the kiddos tonight. The marble race toy was a huge hit. The kids loved it. Justin shows his excitement watching the marbles, so cute. I didn’t plan on cooking so we went and grabbed dinner. We came home and I did laundry, dad read books. Zoe just cuddled with me on the floor so everyone started to pet her. Zoe has got to be the sweetest dog on earth. Nicole talked dad’s ear off tonight, telling him that one of her friends talk about dead people, jail, and her other woes.

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