December 27th, 2009 by melissa

I feel so much better today. Glad it lasted only one day. Nicole woke up early this morning but I laid down on her floor and she went back to bed. I felt like everyone slept in a bit. I guess Zoe barked in the middle of the night but I didn’t hear it. Nicole walked Zoe with  me this morning. She was so cute with her scarf, mittens, and jacket. Nicole pretty much walked Zoe the entire time. Zoe tugged Nikki a bit but not too bad. Nikki was so proud of herself and it was nice out this morning. We played with the kiddos this morning and also took down Christmas. Dad and Justin raced cars while Nikki and I took the ornaments off the tree. Nikki wanted to help. I took everything out of the downstairs closet to clean it out. Once a year I do this and put things back. It is so clean right now and I put all the decorations back. While the closet was empty the kids played in it. They loved it empty. After lunch we headed to the Spectrum. We had to do some returns and just wanted to play. Dad was so funny he kept on saying he wanted to go on the ferris wheel. So we did that as a family. It was nice. Nicole wanted to wear her shorts but it was too cold, so she put her pants over her shorts. We played in the toy store, saw all the puppies..typical Spectrum day. We also rode the carousal. N&J weren’t able to get on the animals they wanted, so we waited until we were first in line. Nicole got the bunny and Justin the ostrich. Nicole has been unsnapping daddy’s jacket sleeves and just laughing. We got home and played with Zoe on the greenbelt for a bit. We came in and the kids watched the Alvin and the Chipmunks DVD. Justin has been into My Amusement Park Leapster game and actually played it while the TV was on. We have been having issues with Justin peeing in his pants. It is so frustrating. I think he just doesn’t want to stop what he is doing to pee. After dinner dad and I took the Christmas tree out to the curb. It feels like we just got the tree. We decided since it is trash day tomorrow we may as well take it down. It is kind of nice with all the decorations down, the house doesn’t seem so junky. I was so embarrassed when a neighbor stopped by and our living room was a huge mess. Why is it we are always getting rid of things? After all the chaos of the Christmas tree, Justin helped me vacuum up the pine needles. He actually enjoyed it. I haven’t vacuumed in so long-it was kind of nice. We all played Memory together. Nicole is really good at Memory. She got upset though as she didn’t get to pick the last cards, but she still won. We went upstairs and the kids played with their new banks and money. They pretended the money was popcorn and was busy throwing it everywhere. We read lots of books. Justin was so tired that he fell asleep when his head hit the pillow. Nicole on the other hand wanted to talk about the Squekel movie and all the bad parts. I wonder why she asks only about the bad parts.

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