January 21st, 2010 by melissa

More rain, ugh. We are tired of being indoors. We played at home a bit. The kids played Leapsters and we read our library books. We decided to get out and met some friends at Partyopolis, the bounce house place. The kids had a great time bouncing and getting some energy out. I had fun jumping a bit with the kids too. The kids slid down the stairs to the slide and loved it. We came home and made lunch. We just missed the down pour. After lunch Nicole did dress up and shows. Justin was busy lining cars up on the couch. The kids played for a bit. Nicole dressed up as a cheerleader. There was a break in the rain so we took advantage and got out. We did a return then went to the craft store. The kids were crazy. I thought bouncing would have tired them out but I think the opposite happened. The kids were into everything in the craft store. We also ran to Whole Foods while we were over there. Again crazy silly kids. They used little carts but kept on pushing them into each other and running around. We got home and it was straight to the bath. Justin went first. They don’t want to take a bath together anymore 🙁 There was an empty pump soap container that became the best toy ever. Nicole got in, so they were together for a short bit. They did crayons as well. After bath we had dinner. Justin put on his dog costume from the Christmas before last, so adorable. He is even more cuddly in it. Of course Nicole wanted to wear it too. After dinner Nicole put in, so cute and cuddly. Keeps them nice and warm in this cold weather. They also watched part of the Alvin and the Chipmunks movie and I was off to a meeting at pre school.

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