January 22nd, 2010 by melissa

More rain….Nicole woke up early but Justin slept in for a bit. I almost had to wake him up. He came down and yelled Boo, trying to scare us. Off to preschool. The kids picked blue mom for me. So I made a track out of blocks, then we put together a zoo with little people watching, and we did a Bingo and opposite game. The kids are learning about opposites now. The kids were a little wild at school being stuck inside. Justin shared Dinoco and Nicole shared her purple sun glasses. After school we headed to the library. We picked lots of books and a Curious George DVD. We didn’t eat lunch until late and the kids wanted breakfast. So I made eggs and toast, they loved it. We then headed to a friend’s house from pre school to play. Justin was kind of shy. He hung on me a lot. Just as I was ready to leave he played really well. The girls were doing fashion shows. Nicole dressed up as Handy Manny, Tinkerbell, and Ariel…it was so cute. Justin did introduce all the girls coming down the stairs. The kids have been fighting a lot today. Maybe they are just tired. We came home and watched George a bit. We decided to go out for dinner. It was nice not to have to cook. When we got home Nikki and dad read books (she is loving being with her daddy tonight). Justin and I lined up his cars by color, he definitely has a particular way he likes them. Then we all read books and off to bed. They both seem pretty tired.

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