Belated Father’s Day

June 22nd, 2008 by melissa

Well a week later but we are celebrating father’s day. This morning we got going early and out the door. We went to the pool at Woodbury this morning. The kids had a blast and I am so bummed we didn’t bring a camera. You would think hours at the pool they would nap but no. We first started out in the baby pool. The kids loved the fountains too. Justin especially. There was a big pool that you could walk into (like the beach). Nicole would go from the fountains to the big pool, laughing. Justin would get wet in the fountains and giggle and scream. Nicole liked the baby pool the best. Both kids just had a great time. Both kids walked on their hands in the baby pool (like a wheelbarrow) and said I am swimming. Justin was off with daddy most of the time and Nicole stayed with me. We had a great morning. We came home and had lunch. The kids just read books and relaxed so we thought they would nap. They were pretty mellow. We gave up on naps and let them watch TV for a bit. I felt like I did a 100 loads of laundry today. We had fun building with mega blocks today; we hadn’t used them in so long. We made big towers. Nicole pretended to make a house for princess. Grandma/pa came over for dinner. Bret was busy cooking ribs for hours on the grill. Too bad his new grill hasn’t come yet. The kids were so happy to see grandma/pa. The kiddos played hard. Nicole loved running around with Justin. She was laughing so hard, so cute to watch. Justin rode his tricycle so fast throughout the house and over his sheet. The kids entertained us. It cooled off a bit outside so the kiddos played outside. Bubbles, sand box, hose….all the usual outside fun. Both kids had a little bit of a meltdown before dinner, combo of not napping and hunger. Well the ribs took way longer to cook then we anticipated. Anyway we had great dinner and deserts. The kids were pretty happy after dinner; they sure ate a lot. They jumped on the cushions of the couch on the floor. Then grandpa showed the kiddos how to use their sheets as capes, so the kiddos had fun pretend flying. The kiddos were exhausted and went to bed fairly quickly. Time to put away laundry.

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