Daddy Back to Work

June 23rd, 2008 by melissa

We hate Mondays as we get used to daddy being home then he goes back to work. We were out early to go pick up Cindy, we are dog sitting for a few days. The kiddos were pretty happy to see Cindy. It was fun walking over to Cindy’s house as the kids picked flowers, played with rocks, and just enjoyed being outside. Both kids wanted to hold Cindy’s leash. Nicole was telling Cindy what we were doing. She would say we are walking to our house and going in the front door. We played with Cindy for a bit then it was time to get ready to go to the park. We met Neyha (Krish and Isha) at Blue Gum. It was nice as I feel like I haven’t been to the park for a while. It is sad that the kids won’t see each other for a while as Neyha and family are moving on Wed. It will be fun when we all get together for a visit. Anyway the kiddos had a great time at the park. We weren’t there too long. After we went to the story time at Hush Baby at the District with Neyha. It was really cute and the kids liked it. It was a new story teller with lots of songs. The bunny and face or in case hand painting was still there. Justin got 2 doggies on his hand and Nicole got two lady bugs. Paula and gang showed up as well. So after we went to Chick-Fil-A to grab some lunch. My kiddos were starving. Then all the kids went and played in the play area. They had a really good time. We went into TJ Maxx as well. We were on the corner of Yale and Bryan and the kids fell asleep in the car. So I let them sleep in the car for a bit. So funny how sometimes the shock me and stay awake when I think they will sleep and just fall asleep other times. After they were so excited to see Cindy. Nicole is learning that dogs don’t hug. Justin has a cute smile on his face while petting Cindy. We played at home for awhile. The kiddos decided to throw balls at the ceiling fan. They played with their drawing things, chased the dog, drove the dog crazy, and chased one another. We went over to Jacole’s to play for a bit. Neyha came too. It was nice to just hang out as the kids played really well. When I asked my kiddos what their favorite things to play with there-Justin said trains and Nicole said the bouncy horse thingy. On the way home we stopped at Target. I was pushing it as I knew I would have hungry kids on my hands as it was close to dinner. We shopped and I let the kiddos play a bit in the toy aisles. Justin loved this little bat and ball thing and Nicole was ooing and ahhing over all the baby dolls. I got milk and had to open the milk on the way home to keep the munch kins happy. We got home and had dinner. Then we went on the green belt for a bit. I got the kiddos new golf clubs since there other ones are almost all broken. So we brought balls and golf clubs out and played golf. Nicole was more into playing with Cindy. Then the kiddos wanted to walk her. We came in and the kiddos had a bath. They love their bath and then they played for bit. We read books and off to bed.

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