February 21st, 2010 by melissa

Trying to make friends with my new laptop. Not so sure about this one yet. What is up with all this wide screen nonsense? HA Anyway Nicole is doing so well in her new bed and hasn’t fallen out yet. Dad is feeling better. We took it easy this morning and enjoyed being at home. Nicole discovered the Mario game for the Wii and the kids are hooked. They had so much fun playing it, it was really cute. Dad has created Wii monsters. Justin was really good at it, way better than me. Nicole drove just like me and was all over the place. Nicole and I went to play doll house for a while. She was so happy to be playing with me and I enjoyed it too. Doll house turned into playing baby which was fun too. We decided to take the kiddos to Jump N Jammin today. They kids had such a good time. We had fun playing with them as well. Dad got me by shooting balls at me. It was great Sanders family fun! We came home and the kids watched some TV. Then we just played. Nicole dressed up as a pirate, doctor, and finally decided on Tinkerbell. Justin put on his race car driver costume. I put the chairs in the family room for the kids to climb on but then decided to clean them. The kids got into cleaning. I let them squirt the windex and wipe. They thought it was great fun. I let them do it on the cabinets as well. Nicole even said her favorite part of the day was cleaning. Justin saw a snake made out of macaroni so we did that. He wasn’t that into making it though. The kids got their flashlights and played attic. Somehow all our shoes ended up in the washing machine and dryer, it was so funny when I discovered it. I had these little wood kits of a butterfly and a toucan. They are pretty lame but the kids thought they were the greatest thing ever. They colored them and we put them together. It was great the imagination it brought out, the toucan and butterfly were racing around the house. After dinner we played more. We played grocery store. I bought from the kids and the kids bought from me. I even got them grocery bags and that took it to the next level. Then they planned forĀ  a party. We had to go up and we moved some furniture around in Nikki’s room. I think it looks better. Of course the kids wanted to sit on the furniture as we moved it. They found lots of ways to amuse them selves with furniture moving, jumping on beds, etc. We still need to move a little more tomorrow. After talking about bad things, pirates Nicole went to sleep. Justin just enjoyed a back scratch and a cuddle.

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