February 22nd, 2010 by melissa

Justin woke up and was playing quietly in his room. Just coloring with the water pens on the paper. Nicole however wanted us to play. We got ready for pre school. Dad worked from home today. I had to work at school today. I was red mom. It was fun but I am cranky from having a really long period. Getting pretty sick of it. Justin brought a car to share-I know what a shocker. Nicole brought her butterfly she colored and made yesterday. I will always love to watch them share, it is so cute. I played red/green light and duck duck goose with the kiddos. The kids cut out boxes and I taped them together. The saying on the boxes was I wish I may I wish I might…..and the kids put wishes in them. Nicole wished for:  to be able to touch a star and the moon, she loves Justin, for the chipmunks and chipettes to be real so she can play with them, and that she had a dog that could go into outer space. Justin’s wishes were: go to Disneyland, drive the autopia cars, paint at home, and to sit on the counters. We had a fun day at school. We came home and the kids got the mail. One of their friends sent them a letter and they were so excited; then we had lunch. The kids played and made a mess! I headed upstairs to start moving furniture around in Nikki’s room. Justin got into the bath. I think I am happy with Nikki’s room now. Just need to figure out the small details, painting, and decorating. Nicole took a bath after Justin. I needed a break after bath so the kids watched some TV. Justin is so crazy about the Wii (Mario game) thats all I hear him asking to play, ugh. Michael came over to play so Paula’s girls could go to a trial dance class. Nicole at first wanted to go to the dance class but decided to stay home. I thought I would get some alone time with Nikki but we just played with the boys. I put together Hot Wheel tracks then we all did Lego’s. We made a car with both Nikki and Justin’s Lego’s. The kids all played really well together. Nicole was excited when the girls came back. She gave them a few of her pictures she made. She loved showing her room to her friends. I was having cramps so dad took care of dinner, so nice. The kids couldn’t wait to play Wii again, so after dinner we let them for a bit. I skipped my photography class since I am feeling gross. In Mario Kart, Nikki calls the gorilla Konkey Dong-ha instead of Donkey Kong. We went upstairs and I just look at the kiddo’s rooms-they are big kids now. Justin says “when I poop my penis gets bigger and when I take a bath it gets smaller”. So funny! We read books, I cuddled in Nicole’s bed to read with her while Bret read with Justin. I love night cuddle time. Justin has been tickling us a lot lately. Oh and tonight my hair touched his face and he started laughing so hard.

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