February 23rd, 2010 by melissa

This morning I was hosting play group. We ran to the grocery store to get some snacks. Now that we are eating much healthier I don’t have a lot of food options for play groups. The kids didn’t want to go to the grocery store but once they got there they had fun. Nicole brought Huey, Louie, and Dewey and the kids were crazy with their carts. They were having a great time pushing the carts and decided what to get. We played a little bit before every one came and got the house ready. The boys all played together and the girls played mostly in Nikki’s room. It was nice as I got to catch up with a few of my mommy friends. Justin and Nicole ended up in their bathing suits pretending to use Justin’s bed as a swimming pool. They weren’t listening however when I asked them to stop jumping on the bed, I finally had to threaten to take away something. I hate that but it always works. Justin is loving to play Mario and being Luigo, so much in fast he has named a few of his animals Luigi. After lunch the kiddos watched some TV, they chose Barney for a change. I was so tired after TV I was ready to fall asleep. The kids decided to get in on the action and lay/jump all over me and shut all the shutters. We headed out as I needed to get Nikki a mattress pad for her bed. The kids had trouble listening in the store. Then we met some friends at the park. The kids played really well together. So fun to watch the kids roll down the little hill then run while their friend is on a bike. There was a monkey bar thing and Nicole had to conquer it. We got home and the kids saw daddy was home and immediately started asking for the Mario Wii game. The kids played for a while-Nicole was the happiest little girl when she beat me. We had dinner then the kids and dad were off to play Memory. We went upstairs and the kids played. They were playing with dad’s belts, fishing with them off the banister. They were having a blast. We read lots of books and hopefully Nicole will go to sleep soon. I just got another my new laptopĀ  in the mail. Now to play with both and decide. I am trying to make friends with the Inspiron but I don’t like the wide screen.

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