March 22nd, 2010 by melissa

Justin slept a lot last night and did end up in our room. I tried to enjoy the snuggly time since when he is older he won’t want to snuggle. When Justin saw himself in the mirror this morning he said “my haircut looks good in the mirror”, so cute. Justin was in a great mood this morning so we decided to go to pre school. I was working so we figured we would call dad if Justin wasn’t happy. The kids brought their new backpacks from the hotel with their disc shooter to share. We had fun at school; the kids wanted me to be blue mom. A birthday was celebrated at school today. I was glad both kids got picked as candles. I always feel bad when one doesn’t. Justin seemed a little tired after school. We came home and rested a bit. He didn’t eat too much at lunch but that made Nikki happy as she got to eat his noodles. I decided to let the kids rest and watch Alvin and the Chipmunks. I finally got Justin to go to sleep. He slept on me for a while, what a snuggly guy. I brought him to our bed and laid down with him a bit. Then Nikki and I played doll house. She loves doll house and I had fun playing for a while. We also played baby together. I love spending alone time with the kiddos, it is a rare thing. Nicole is better behaved for the rest of the day when she gets alone time. Justin slept for a while. Nicole and I started dinner then Justin came down. He was slowly waking up so I read lots of books to the kiddos. Dad came home and everyone played Wii while I made dinner. I made German apple pancake and everyone decided my dinner was apple pie. It was amusing. The good news is the kids loved it. Justin finally ate so hopefully he is feeling much better. After dinner we played a bit and headed upstairs. I took a nice relaxing shower. Dad read books and we spent lots of time visiting with the kiddos. It is 9:00 and Justin is still awake, ugh. I read him some books using the flashlight, I will be going back up in a bit.

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