March 23rd, 2010 by melissa

Bret counted Nicole woke up 5 times last night. She needed her blankets on, pee, etc. I had coffee this morning. Nicole woke up this morning and was crying. She was complaining about her ear which probably explains why she was up so much. I wish she told us her ear hurt last night. Luckily we got her back to sleep this morning and she did sleep in. This morning I played Memory with Justin, over and over again. When Nicole woke up, I read the kiddos lots of books. I was falling asleep reading. Nicole had breakfast and Justin had breakfast #2. Justin was really cuddly this morning. I love when he comes up to me and says “I love you mommy”. The kids played a bit this morning. They have also been so needy, Justin has wanted me to hold him then Nikki comes and cuddles. I tried to get everyone to take a nap. We all went into my bed. The kids read books for a bit then I tried to get them to sleep. When that didn’t happen I turned on the TV and I ended up napping. The problem is every time I fell asleep the kids would wake me up. We went out to Costco to get snacks for school tomorrow. The kids wanted to watch all the TV’s. We shopped we watched TV we shopped, etc. Nikki started complaining about her ear again. We also split some pizza for lunch. We got home and the kiddos just wanted to rest so I turned on George for them. I brought in all the groceries and got some things done around here. Of course after getting back from Costco the pre school called and wants me to bring in eggs tomorrow for the kids to dye, to the grocery store we go. Nicole went outside and decided to clean the windows. Bless her heart as my windows are dirtier than ever. She sprayed them with water and a spray bottle but then took the broom to the windows. Justin was just needy and say on my lap. I brought out toys and played on the couch with him. Nikki came in and we all played Mr. Potato Head and army men. Andree and Zoe stopped by so we went outside to play, the kids threw some balls for Zoe. Dad came home and the kids played Wii with him. After dinner I ran out to the grocery store. When I got home we read the kiddos books and got them down a little earlier. Hope everyone is better in the morning. Now to put together fruit rainbows for pre school snack for tomorrow.

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