March 25th, 2010 by melissa

Who even remembers what happened last night. Justin had a rough night early on. I think around 11:00 I was reading him a book by flashlight. One book and he was out again. I woke up with Nicole yelling for me and found dad not in our bed. Dad slept with Justin for a bit and I slept with Nicole for a bit. Nicole doesn’t leave much room for me. Anyway Justin seems to be much better today. I haven’t needed to give him any tylenol or anything. We decided to take it easy. Although I wasn’t sure if he would feel yucky later so I did some errands. We stopped at the recycling center and the kids recycled their first cans/bottles. They had to take each can/bottle out one by one. They were loving it. They made $5.73. They were really happy and proud of themselves. Of course they wanted to spend the money right away. I had to go to the grocery store though. We went and got a few necessities. I am an old softy I let them go to Toys R Us and pick out something. Nicole picked out a Chipmunk Fur Real animal and Justin picked out a car that has interchangeable parts. I tried to teach them the value of money but you can’t get much for $5.73. We came home and had lunch. Justin hasn’t been too hungry today but seems much better. I let the kiddos relax in front of the TV for a bit. After we played, I tried to bring out everything the kids hadn’t seen in a while. We did artsy things, Geotrax, Don’t Spill the Beans, etc. We also played out in the yard for a bit. I watered plants and Nikki helped with some of the gardening. I swung the kids a bit until Justin got cold and went inside. We were happily playing Geotrax until dad came in. The minute dad walks in the kids want to play Wii. I played a little as well. After dinner we went outside for a bit while the kids played with the remote control cars. We came in and went upstairs. Dad and the kids played hide n seek. Then read some books and off to bed. Hopefully everyone sleeps tonight. Justin is feeling much better but I think I am going to keep him home from school tomorrow. Nicole won’t go to school without her brother. We will take it easy one more day. It may kill me-I need to get out! HA

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