March 26th, 2010 by melissa

All is well in the Sanders’ household. Justin is all better. I kind of mentioned missing pre school yesterday so decided the kids would miss it. It was kind of fun playing hookey. Although I could have used the break. I can’t count the times we were woken up last night. I could barely get out of bed this morning, thank goodness for coffee. Anyway I was eager to get out, so we went to the Irvine Regional Park for the Easter Eggstravaganza. We had our first Easter egg hunt of the season. The kiddos had a great time. They got lots of candy! The kids were really interested in the Easter bunny but wouldn’t sit on his lap-he was a ig guy. I tried to take some pics of the kiddos. They were bust bugging each other and climbing the tree.

They played some carnival type of games. One game was a bean  bag through a hole and the other was rings on the bunny. They got blow up tigers, as you will see int he pic below. They loved putting their heads through all the picture spots:

These pics were taken while the kiddos were waiting to go in the bounce house:

So if egg hunts, bounce houses weren’t enough I then let the kiddos ride the ponies. They were so excited to ride Rocky.

We stopped and got some lunch on the way home then headed to Target to get a few things. When we got home the kiddos played so nicely together. They were pretending to be chefs cooking, etc. Justin even went so far to say he needed to close the restaruant since it was a mess, ha ha ha. They pretended to feed Nicole’s doll named Amy. The kids watched a little TV. Then we went outside.  The kids had fun squirting with the water toys outside. Two of us would be inside with the slider shut and the one outside would put a ton of water on the door. The little things that occupy them. We walked around the neighborhood selling a few more candy bars. Dad drove up so Justin went home with dad while Nikki and I visited with a few neighbors. While we made dinner the kids played Wii. The time went by fast tonight. Nikki and I played doll house while Justin and dad made a ramp for his cars. Cars everywhere. We read a few books and off to sleep they went. Bret and I are tired.

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