May 20th, 2010 by melissa

I was so sleepy this morning. We stayed home and played for a bit. Then I needed a bunch of things so we headed to Wal-Mart. The kids were great except for the nagging can I buy something. They loved helping me find things and get things off of the shelves. Of course a 15 minute shopping trip probably took me an hour, but oh well. At least the kids were great and not having a fit. We came home and Justin asked me to color with him. So we colored for a bit. Then I decided to tackle the garage a bit. It didn’t need too much cleaning out just putting things away. We have a tendency to throw things on the ground and they collect until I finally can’t take it anymore. The kids helped clean out the garage by sweeping . They were also busy playing. They set up a crib for Huey, Duey, and Louie with cones and a towel. Justin got a bubble gun and was at it for a while. Nikki was chasing the bubbles for a bit until she got too sweaty. It is hot in the sun today. I also did some more laundry. We had to be home from 11-3 as that is the window the electric company gave us that they were coming to pick up our old fridge. They came about 1:00 so it wasn’t too bad. Nicole was sad to see the fridge go, silly girl. Where Justin and I just said bye crappy fridge. We ate a late lunch. Then we just hung out at home all afternoon, it was kind of nice. The kids watched two new shows, Dinasour Train and Arthur. I did some gardening in the backyard and washed the windows. I made it rain on the kiddos play house and they were loving it. They told me they were playing basketball in the play house. They kept coming out and saying it was raining so they would run back in the play house. We watered plants together. We decided to go on a bike ride. Sometimes it seems as if Justin will get riding a two wheeler soon but then other times he is leaning too much. The kids kept saying they were hot and tired. It was a little hot today or humid. When we got home the kids had a snack. They were mighty hungry as they ate as much off of the pear as they could. We decided to play Candyland outside and wait for daddy to come home. Plus it was so nice out. We played a new twist on Candyland. The kids picked two cards and decided which one would be better. They loved it! We played for a long time, then the kids spilled my water and got more interested in ice and water. Dad got home a bit late, we had dinner then I was off to the last pre school meeting. Dad played hide n seek with the kiddos. Nikki found him right away, he said how did you find me so fast and her response was I followed your toot! HA. I was glad I got home just as the kids were going to bed, so I could cuddle them.

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