May 21st, 2010 by melissa

This morning I dropped the kiddos off at school. A friend watched them for 10 minutes as I needed to get to their elementary school for the tour. So unbelievable that the kiddos may go to kindergarten in Sept. We still don’t know if we are sending them but thought we better register just in case. The school seems great, lots of parent involvement and fun family activities. This school believes in separating twins which is what we were thinking anyway but I can’t imagine the kids without each other. I hope sometime soon to bring one to pre school and have alone time with the other then the next time switch-I hope then they can get used to be somewhere without each other. We played outside of school for a while as I was babysitting for a friend from school. The kids had a great time playing and I brought lunch for my kiddos. We came home and the kiddos played for a bit then I read some books. We headed out to meet some friends at the Spectrum. We had fun walking around and doing some shopping. Finally got to Nordstroms to buy some bras, $200 later. The kids went in the fountains even though it was cool out. So since I had nothing with me we had to go buy bathing suits. The kids were thrilled. Luckily our friend had towels and an extra outfit for Nikki. All 3 girls were dressed int he same outfits, it was so cute. The girls all played really well together. Justin wanted to play games at Dave and Busters so badly, so we stopped there quickly on the way out. We played a few games then met daddy for dinner. Nikki helped me get gas on the way home; she loves to help me with things. I love it too. Dad and Justin played a little Wii then we all headed upstairs. Nikki was really into her little baby, Baby Alive and is wanting to diaper it and change clothes. Justin was busy playing car wash. Bedtime has been getting later and later. Now to relax, I feel like we haven’t stopped all day.

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