May 22nd, 2010 by melissa

This morning dad had to do some work. The kids had their last soccer practice today. The kids did so well out there. Nikki played so well and was focused on getting goals. Justin and I had fun cheering her on. She made her coach Monica a picture too. Justin played really well too. He was into being in the goal and defended it really well. Dad made it over to soccer and caught the last of Justin’s practice. The kids got their trophies today. They were so happy-it was so cute. I took some pics but am too lazy to go get my camera out of the car. The coach was sad to hear Nikki didn’t want to continue to play soccer, but she changed her mind when he told her she was one of the best players. She changed her mind and we signed up the kids to play in the fall. After soccer we had lunch. Then headed to Lakeshore for their crafts plus I wanted to check out some blocks. The kids had a great time at this store-I think we were there for two hours or so. The kids made musical instruments and masks. They participated in the song time. Nikki kept on telling the song lady that she knew all the songs. We played and played at the store. When we got home the kids needed a shower. Nikki was so sad to take out her french braid. It was so cute but it was time to take it out. I watched a video how to do it but she wouldn’t let me. I think she is so afraid I am going to hurt her. Justin took a fast shower so he could play with his new blocks. Nikki stayed in for a while and had fun in the shower. Then we headed out to meet some of my photography friends at Rubio’s. The kids played so well. Nikki was so excited to see a girl named Lily. All the kids ran around, played hide n seek, etc. They sat down for about 2 minutes to stuff some pizza in their mouth then they went to play again. It was great to watch them play so nicely and no fighting. We got home and the kids were tired. They were having a hard time listening, so we got them to bed as fast as we could. Time for Vegas tomorrow, we are all looking forward to it.

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