June 21st, 2010 by melissa

A much needed day at home of nothing to do. This morning we just hung out at home. The kids and I played some games and tried out Domino’s for the first time. We read lots of library books. The kids scootered around with their new Razor scooters inside the house but then wanted to go out front. That didn’t last too long though. We went upstairs for a little while. Justin played cars and trains while I tried to help Nikki organize all her stuffed animals. After lunch the kids pushed their animals in the swing outside. We also admired our watermelon that is growing and growing. First watermelon I have ever grown, so exciting.

The kids were pretending that is was Christmas. They were busy decorating their play house for Santa. Decorating consisted of using whatever toys were close, jump rope, balls, etc. So cute. They loved throwing their jump ropes on the top of their roof. We did a bunch of gardening today. The kids helped so much. It was really fun out there. The kids pretended my knee pad thing for gardening was a surf board. They got out their goggles and surfed. We had a very productive at home day. I even managed to get the garage cleaned out so both cars are back in the garage. The kids and I went to a pre school friends house to take maternity pics. Justin and Nicole had fun making the kiddos smile and could have stayed there forever. I love to watch the kids interact with one another. Dad mowed the lawn with the kiddos; Justin did the front and Nikki the back. I stayed in the house and got cleaned up for the cleaners, put toys away and get things off of the counters, etc. It seems like every night I say this but the kids went to bed late again but went right to sleep. I am so pleased with how much stuff got done today, tomorrow we play.

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