June 22nd, 2010 by melissa

Well yesterday was all work and today was all play. I was hoping to make it to Disney one more time but we are blocked out now for summer. This morning we got ready for the cleaners then headed to Blue Gum Park. We had a great time with our friends. The kids played so well, it was great. I was able to sit most of the time and catch up with my friends. We ended up going to Chick Fil A after for lunch with some friends. We rode in our friends car that had a DVD player. Justin and Nicole loved it and were so quiet. The kids had fun at Chick Fil A. I feel like we haven’t been there in a long time. Nikki and Justin were really hungry-they ate and played! We came home to a clean house, love it! I let the kids watch a little TV and rest for a bit. This way they could get much needed rest and I could work on editing pictures. The kids played in the planter for a bit with their magnifying glasses. They were looking for bugs and treasure. We met some friends and walked to pirate park. I can’t believe how long we were at parks today but the kids had a blast. They were playing in the sand and filling up buckets of water. The kids were so dirty from gardening and parks, I couldn’t wait to get them in the bath. Nikki chose to take a bath before dinner. While I gave her a bath dad and Justin hung out. Nikki was kind of mellow tonight. She was tired, even at dinner she was so cuddly. Justin took a bubble bath and stayed in the bath forever. I read to him and Nikki while he was in the bath. Trying to read the library books as they have to go back tomorrow. We all played cars in Justin’s room for a bit then read some more. The kids fell right to sleep.

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