June 24th, 2010 by melissa

I know it has only been a few weeks since the kiddos have been out of school but I am really enjoying them being home. I have had to be creative to keep us busy but no biggie. Today we stayed at home for a bit then headed to the park to meet some friends. The kids played so well, mostly in the sand. They played with this thing that you pulled sand up and down. They also picked some cat tails and ran around tickling each other with those. It was a nice morning at the park. We came home and had lunch. Then Tierney (AKA trouble w/a  diaper came over). So cute. We put her hair in pig tails and tried to take pictures. She was too busy to stop and smile. She loved pushing the strollers and running down the hallway upstairs. Nicole and Justin were really helpful with her and enjoyed eating T’s pretzels. We played in the backyard with T, she really loves the play house. She was getting tired so I put her in the swing then pushed her in the stroller and she was out. My kiddos watched TV while T slept. The guy came to fix the jacuzzi, yeah! T woke up and slept on me for a bit. After T went home the kids and I went outside, the kids went on their scooters for a bit. When dad came home the kids played Wii then dinner. We went upstairs as Nikki wanted to play Pooh. This consisted of taking all the Pooh stuffed animals out of their caves, then going back in their caves as it was raining in the hundred acre woods. I was being silly and was getting ready to put on kid’s jammies. I decided to put Justin’s on my head and the kids loved jumping up and taking them off. Then they chased me to get them off. Then dad blind folded the kids and they followed his voice. It was a fun and dif’t night. We read books and had long visits. I am beat!

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