June 23rd, 2010 by melissa

Not a very exciting day but a good one none the less. We went to look at a pre school this morning in Lake Forest. We liked it so now we have to make a decision where to send the kiddos. We have three schools to decide on. Then we went to the bounce house place. The kids had a great time. Justin asked me to slide down with him, so I go ahead and then he picks his friend over me. I was a little sad. Then Justin and I played ping pong and his friend came so he told me he wanted to play with his friend. Wow I am not ready for these guys to grow up. On the way home we went to a children’s resale place. I was able to find Nikki some clothes and Justin found a Nala stuffed animal (Lion King). It was such a good price so I let him get it. Nikki was really sad she didn’t find a Simba. So I let her chose what music to listen to and what the kids had for lunch. The kids played. They watched some TV. Nikki picked Arthur, I  think this is the first time they watched this show. We decided to walk to the library to return books and get new ones. The kids took their doll strollers. Justin put Nala in his and Nicole took Mickey Mouse. Justin put his stroller on the edge of the lawn and said he was mowing the lawn. Nicole was so sad she couldn’t push Nala. Justin did take turns though. Every stop light we got to we switched. I am so proud of Justin sharing his stuffed animal so well. Seriously he is such a nice boy. Dad picked us up from the library so we didn’t have to walk home. It was fun walking but took a long time with the kiddos walking too. We decided to go out to dinner. We went to Woodbury where the kids played on the grass, we played freeze tag and duck duck goose. When we got home we read all the library books. It took a while and the kids seemed tired. We did hear glass break on the greenbelt. There were some teenagers out there drinking. Bret called the police just because of the glass. If they weren’t causing trouble we would have ignored it. It was fun to watch though. Two of the kids were drinking that were 18, there parents had to come pick them up. A girl had cigarettes and she was too young. The police officers actually put hand cuffs on her. Probably trying to scare the crap out of here. Anyway it was fun cuddling with the kiddos tonight. Justin let Nikki sleep with Nala.

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