June 26th, 2010 by melissa

So this morning Nikki and I headed out early to beat the crowd to Target. We had a great time together. Dad and Justin met us and we all walked over to Lowe’s. They had a kid’s workshop. Unfortunately I didn’t know we had to sign the kids up online. Luckily we waited and were able to do the project. We had to wait an hour, so we walked around Lowe’s, went to Carters….it was worth the wait. The kids built a monster truck and loved it. After we went to the district. We had lunch. The pizza place we ate at had TV’s at the tables. The kids were loving it. Their eyes were glued to the TV. They were watching channels we don’t get. The district was having a special event. Nikki got a balloon animal doggie. The kids went in a bounce house and watched a really young kids band. We also went into a toy store. Justin has been wanting a remote control boat ever since he drove the boat on the video game at Chuck E Cheese. We found one there and bought it. We thought it would be great to use at Grammy’s pool. We had to get Nikki something too. She picked out a horse on a stick. The horse is pink and his name is Rocky (just like the horse she rode on at the Irvine Regional Park). When we got home Justin used the boat in the jacuzzi but the jacuzzi wasn’t big enough. I was talking to a neighbor and Justin told her on the phone about his boat-he then invited himself over to use their pool. We had a great time hanging out. The kids swam a bit even though the pool was a little cold. Justin drove his boat and loved it. Our neighbors were so sweet and invited us to stay for dinner. And all of a sudden Bret says if you eat some salsa we can remodel a bathroom. He decided how much put it on a chip and I ate it! So yucky but hopefully well worth it. It was so funny though, reminded me how he said we could get married if I ate a burrito. Andree made strawberry daqueries w/ alcohol for us and non-alcoholic ones for the kids.  We had a great dinner and this family (Andree and gang w/Zoe the dog) is so sweet to us and the kiddos. They heated up the jacuzzi for the kiddos and they loved it all warm. Nicole kept on going from the pool to the jacuzzi. We couldn’t pull the kids away from the jacuzzi, so we didn’t get them to bed until 9:15-hopefully they will sleep in tomorrow morning.

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