June 27th, 2010 by melissa

Today was a mellow day for us. Justin couldn’t wait to get his boat in the jacuzzi again. I don’t think he had breakfast until around 10:00. I went for a walk and dad/kids picked me up on the way to the pool. The kids had their swim lessons. They are doing better and better each time. We blew up Nikki’s new floatie. She wanted to jump in theĀ  middle of it-like she learned from older kids. She was a crazy giggly fish. She was doing summer saults in the pool. Justin loved sitting on his kick board AKA a horse. Justin’s goggles keep getting water in them but he won’t let us fix them, ha ha. We had a great time swimming except I got cold. After taking warm showers we headed out for some lunch. Then we ran to the new grocery store, Henry’s to get a few things. The kids watched a Thomas DVD they got from the library. After the kids painted for a while. They got crazy with the paints, painting their hands for hand prints. Justin did the dry erase board for a bit. He made a U shaped pool, so cool and a little jacuzzi. We played some games and dad set up the marble thing. After dinner the kids went in the jacuzzi. They were having such a great time together. Both had their goggles on and were jumping up and down in the jacuzzi, splashing like crazy. After I did some gardening, dad and I spent time with each other on our laptops watching the kiddos outside. We went upstairs. Nikki wanted to play dentist with me while dad and Justin played cars. We read some books and kiddos went to bed. It is so hard not to visit them for a long time and before we know it is 9:00.

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