August 29th, 2010 by melissa

I was so tired today. This morning we took it easy, read the paper and played in the backyard. I did some gardening as well. Dad got some things done on his car this morning. He fixed his fog light and added new black stuff that was peeling. I took the kiddos to their swim lesson. They are learning to do the crawl stroke with side breathing and no kick boards. It is amazing to watch them. We came home and had lunch. Then I was so tired so the kiddos watched a show and I took a nap. I don’t know why I have been so tired lately. After nap we took library books back and picked out some new books quickly. Then we went geo-caching. The kids loved it. They especially loved when they were able to leave something and take something. Nicole was loving the pin she got. It was fun and the kids enjoyed it but they also had a great time at the park. We found this little park by one of the geo-cache sites and the kids had a blast. Nicole pretended she was Tracey and Justin was her buddy Buckwheat. They had a great time at the park. We stopped at Woodbury for dinner then ran over to Home Depot. We got Nikki a new fan as the one in her room sucks. At home I read the library books and we went upstairs. The kids haven’t been listening to well today and kind of talking back a little. I am not liking this. Hoping it is just left over from being spoiled at grandma/pa’s. Justin and I played cars tonight while dad and Nikki played dollhouse. Then we switched. I told Nicole her baby alive doll pee’s and I think we will be testing it out tomorrow. Cuddle time was short tonight since we played so much.

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