August 30th, 2010 by melissa

We played at home this morning, did some laundry. Then we headed out to the park to play with some friends. I brought the kids scooters and they had a great time with them. Justin was really into going around and around. They played on the play structure for a bit and played with their friends. Nikki really liked the cupcake sand toy. Made us lots of cupcakes and played well. We had lunch at the park. After the park we headed to pre school. Today began me trying to figure out where we stand with the membership role. It is really hard to clean up someone else’s stuff. The kids played so well at school and for a long time. It was nice. Hopefully by the end of the week I will have it all organized. On the way home I had to stop at the grocery store. When we got home dad had to do some work. The kids watched TV a bit. We had dinner then the kiddos played. They found a blow up lion and monkey that they hadn’t played with for a long time. My role was to keep hanging them from the ceiling fan in the family room. Then we managed to bring it outside and the monkey/lion climbed the peach tree. We had a nice night together. Justin made a cool track with his cars, it involved a pillow and Bret’s shoe. I read a bunch of books to the kiddos then we headed upstairs. Nicole put her baby to bed. I let her feed it water today. She loved it. She was so sweet to it and loved feeding and changing her. Kiddos were tired and fell asleep quickly. Now to go eat some ice cream.

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