July 28th, 2008 by melissa

This morning we played at home for a bit, Justin played with trains and trash trucks. Nicole played with everything Justin wanted. The backyard is coming along, almost done. It looks so dif’t. We ran to Target this morning. The kiddos cups were all leaking, so they got to pick out new cups. Justin picked out a Diego one and Nicole a Dora one. Then we headed to story time at Hush Baby with the bunny. The kids love when the bunny bops them on the head. They were participating, singing the ABC song, etc. But at the end Justin wanted to sit on my lap. He felt warm, so we headed to the car. Nicole stayed with Paula and Stacie so she could get her hand painted, Justin just sat on my lap and drank some water. Nicole came out with a yellow doggie painted on her hand and she was so happy. We came home and I put Justin to sleep in our bed. Gave him some tylenol and he slept for a couple hours, poor guy. I tried my best to get Nicole to nap but it wasn’t happening. After nap the kiddos watched TV. Barney and Elmo’s World. We will just take it easy today so Justin can rest. Nicole was high maintenance today. I think she was a little jealous of the attention Justin got. He pretty much slept all day, poor guy. He would wake up for a while and he was ok, but then he would start to feel yucky again. I finally put him on big floppy dog to sleep on, so I could be with Nikki too. We just played at home and tried to keep Nicole occupied. We gave the kiddos a bath tonight as Justin threw up. He just threw up since he was crying so much. He always has done this. So he took a quick bath and then I put him to bed in our bed. Nicole had a blast in the tub by herself. Justin was so cute sleeping in our bed. We read lots of books with Nicole and then told Sally and Billy stories. She was pretty tired and fell fast asleep.

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