July 29th, 2008 by melissa

Justin woke up and was all better. He woke up once in the middle of the night. We just came down and watched Sesame Street. He was so happy while watching TV, it was nice to see him smile a bit. I am so glad he is all better now. I thought I would just take it easy today. So we played at home for a while. We did laundry, made beds, fun stuff like that. Then I decided to take the kiddos to Laguna Hills Mall. They love this mall for all the ride on toys. They did great, listened, so they got to go on a motorcycle ride and they had a blast playing in the lights. We had a great time at the mall. It was all fun until we were on the third floor of JCPenny and felt an earthquake. The kids got a little scared too. It ended up only being a 5.4 but it felt like a big earthquake. It was right around the time we were going to leave, so I just decided it was best to come home. The backyard should be done today-yeah! We can’t wait. I tried to get the kids to take a nap but it wasn’t going so well. So I gave in and they are watching TV right now. Then we are going to leave to meet Aunt Buffi and cousin Brittany at LAX. The kiddos took a little nap on the way to LAX. Nicole and Justin liked meeting their relatives. Nicole took a real liking to Brittany. Justin just was happy looking at the buses and really wanted to ride in one. Buffi gave the kids sheep stuffed animals and the kiddos are sleeping with them right now. Tori gave them NZ shirts that they had to change into. We all went to the Santa Monica Promenade. The kids had so much fun just looking around and exploring. They loved this dolphin statue. So much in fact they were pretend feeding it fish. It was cute. They would run to the railing and pretend to get fish, silly kids. The kiddos liked watching the street performers. Nicole was trying to mimic all the dancing, even tried her shot at break dancing. She would lay on the ground like the performers. She would have stayed there all night watching and dancing if we let her. Justin liked it too and was dancing a bit too. We also made it to the beach. The kids had so much fun running around on the beach, although it was a little cool there. They both hung and swung from the rings. They played on all the equipment that was there, balance beam. ropes, etc. We had a great time. Justin fell asleep on the way home and Nicole was awake the entire time, so it was a late night.

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