October 25th, 2010 by melissa

The days are just flying by. I tried to get the kids out early this morning to run some errands. One errand I just put the kids in the Bob stroller and ran into the store. So much easier than them walking. After we headed to the library. We got some more books then were there for story time. Some of our friends were there too. It was cute. We hurried home and had lunch. I had no idea what to make the kiddos for lunch. Good thing they don’t care as they had a silly lunch, a few frozen pancakes, cottage cheese, peanut butter crackers, etc. Then I dropped the kiddos off at pre school. I came home and went out to lunch with my neighbor and her baby. Her baby is adorable and it was nice to be out with just another friend. It was also very strange as I always have the kiddos with me. This gave me a glance of what it is going to be like when the kiddos are in school. It is good and bad. I also ran to the grocery store while the kiddos were in school. We came home and just played. We made a mess in the house and got a bunch of toys out. It was so nice out so we played in the back yard. The kids helped clean up in the yard for a bit as well. I always try to think of something for them to do as they love to help. We bought some flowers to put by the front door and the kiddos just want to water them all the time, they are so worried about them, too funny. The kids played t ball too then put things in the truck and wheel barrel and moved them from one place to another in the yard. After dinner the kiddos and dad played trains. I tried to clean up a bit and put party favors together. Upstairs we read all the library books we checked out, plus the ones we borrowed from pre school. The kiddos went right to bed.

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