October 26th, 2010 by melissa

This morning I got the house organized for the cleaners. After it was all clean I let the kiddos watch TV for a bit just so it didn’t get messed up again. When the cleaners got here we ran out. The kids love to see the cleaners. We grabbed lunch at Costco while doing errands. We met some friends at the pumpkin patch. We finally made it to the pumpkin patch. It wasn’t as exciting for the kids as it was in the past. Guess they are growing up. They did like those stupid quarter ride things, the machines kept taking my money. The bounce house was probably the highlight. I still need to get the pics off my camera. I didn’t get too many any how. We came home for a little bit before soccer. The kiddos played their Leapsters while I packed up. Justin played soccer today. I remembered to bring Nikki’s scooter but forgot her helmet, oh well next time she will be able to be ride. Nikki pretended to be a dog for a while. I threw a pretend ball and she ran to get it. Then she played with a little girl she has seen there before. Justin was busy on the field doing a bunch of different drills. He is really liking his coaches. He is definitely a quick runner. We grabbed some dinner on the way home. We came home to a clean house, I love it. Now if I can just maintain it until the party we will be all set. Tonight the kids were pretty needy as far as needing one of us to play with. I am almost done with putting together party favors. Still working on cleaning some windows. It will be so nice to have all these things done, party or no party. We read lots of books and kiddos are sleeping. Now I am just catching up on things and need to make a few picture cd’s for school pics. Here are some pics from the pumpkin patch:

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