July 25th, 2011 by melissa

Yesterday we had a beach cookout to celebrate Bret’s 40th birthday. It was a lot of work but well worth it. We had a great time. J&N were so bored until their friends arrived. We were at the beach for so long. The kids played in the ocean for a while-it was freezing. We dug a big hole for the kids to play in and built a sand castle. The kids played and played. The campfire and making hot dogs was a big hit for the kids. Smores was lots of fun and it definitely felt like summer. Too bad doing beach bbq’s isn’t easy as it would be fun to do again. We all got a little too much sun. The kids and I took showers-there was so much sand. Today I have been de-sanding everything.

Since yesterday was a full day we just took it easy today. Bret had to go back to work which sucked. It was so nice having him home. Hopefully in the next day or so I will get used to him working again. Today I practiced with my camera. Got to take pics of my favorite subjects-these are unedited but still cute.

Nikki is so used to the camera and she poses so easily for me. My cutie pies!

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