August 29th, 2011 by melissa

Time is going by way too fast-I can’t keep up with the blog anymore. It has been a great summer. I have loved not being on a schedule. We have seen lots of friends, gone swimming a lot, parks, lots of outdoor fun after dinner, etc. I am going to be sad when the kiddos go to school. I really do love having them home. Playing Cars (Disney) seems to be the kids favorite things to play together. Both are still loving Tae Kwon Do and now have their orange belts. Here are some cute pics of the kids. Nikki and her baby Jack Jack with matching frog jammies:

The next set of pics were back to school photos. I can’t remember the last time I dressed Justin up in a button down shirt-he looks so grown up. Every year I want the kids to write their names on the white board so I can see how much better their writing gets. Here are all the pics:

Not my favorite pics of the kids as I really like greenery as the background. I still need to edit these. I finally finished editing the wedding. I still need to burn the cd’s but am glad it is almost done. Last week Bret was busy taking a Linux certification. It was a rough one with a lot of info to learn and he was a bit nervous he didn’t pass. I had no doubt though and he passed. He is not a Red Hat Certified Engineer. This weekend we had some home time. Our air conditioning wasn’t working so Sat we stayed around until the repair man came. The air is working just in time for the heat. We got out the slip and slide, washed windows….came up with anything we could do with water. Sunday we went to Pretend City as they were doing an event with Martha Speaks. It was the normal Pretend City but with a visit from Martha. Justin didn’t want to take a picture with Martha but Nikki did. Here are some pics from Pretend City:

We hadn’t been to Pretend City in a while so it was nice to go. They kept on showing the Martha TV show though which we could have watched TV at home. After we headed to the Spectrum and just walked around. We listened to the kids say “can I buy this” can I have a sweet” “I want to play games”, etc. Later we went to San Juan Capistrano and met my photography group there to take pics. The countdown is on for school starting, 11 days. All our paperwork is complete, just need to get the kiddos haircuts. Today we are off to meet some friends at Zoomars, looking forward to a fun filled day.

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