September 8th, 2011 by melissa

Can’t believe the kiddos first day of kindergarten was today. Nikki had such a hard time going to bed last night. Both kids got their back to school haircuts yesterday. Nikki wanted to have a headband french braid for her first day so we did haircuts right before school. Yesterday we enjoyed a day together before school started. We went to the mall and had fun together. Then we went to get haircuts and off to the school to see what classes they are going to be in. I am really happy about their placement. Nikki has Ms. Shahabi and Justin has Mrs. Cook. We are on the early bird schedule, 8:15-11:35. I thought it would be difficult to get up this morning for the kiddos but all of a sudden it was 7:00AM and they were both up. I got up early to make blueberry muffins and decorate a bit. We were off at about 7:45. We met a neighbor and all walked to school together. The kids were great but me on the other hand not so good. It was much harder to let go then I thought it would be, I cried and cried. Dad had to be at jury duty today which was bad timing. So weird leaving the kiddos in separate classes but their classrooms are right next to one another. I had a bit of a hard time while they were at school plus it was really hot. I did go for a little walk but all I could think about was the kiddos. So I went and got them some balloons, Scooby Doo and Hot Wheels. Before I knew it-it was time to pick the kiddos up. They had a good morning. Here are some pics:

Things were back to normal when we got home, lots of playing, etc. Hopefully tomorrow will be easier for me. I am so proud of my little munch kins.

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