Morning With Friends

September 24th, 2008 by melissa

This morning we got ready for our friends to come over., Candice, Vena, Stacie, and Victoria. The kiddos all played so well together, it was great. We made cookie shapes and cupcakes. The kids had a blast decorating them. It was so cute watching them all have fun. I kept Justin in underwear the entire time and he did so well. I am so proud of him. The kids all played all over the house and they all ate lunch together. Justin and Nicole liked showing their friends their beds. It was cute. After everyone left the kiddos and I built with megablocks. They made big towers then we watched some TV. After TV the kiddos and I just played. We played inside and out. Justiin did his squirty tool, Nicole played in her play house. Then the kiddos were banned inside as they didn’t listen with the bubbles. Inside we built with the wood blocks. I was getting bored at home, so we went to Paula’s for swimming. Nicole loves the pool, she had a blast. Both kids loved playing with the noodles. Nicole kept on jumping in the pool. I was so proud of Justin as he remembered to go pee pee in the potty even at the pool. Cross our fingers I think we are almost done with potty training Justin. After swimming we came home and got daddy and we all went to Red Robin for dinner. The kids were a bit hyper though. They loved eating corn dogs on a stick. Even at dinner, Justin wore underwear and remembered to go to the potty-yeah! We came home and the kids were still hyper but yet we tried to get them to go to sleep. Nicole wasn’t done talking though so daddy went up there for a while. And I went for a walk.

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