My Babies Aren’t Babies Anymore

September 25th, 2008 by melissa

Today was the first time I was leaving the kiddos at pre school. I have such mixed feelings about it. I can’t believe they are old enough to go to pre school. This is a picture of the kiddos riding in the car on the way to their first day of pre school.

The next picture is me watching my babies walking into pre school. Don’t they look so cute carrying their buckets?

The last picture was taken as I was saying goodbye to the kiddos. They gave each other a hug. I kept that image in my head the entire time while I was by myself. I am sure the kiddos were thinking leave already mom.

Justin went to pre school in underwear. YEAH! I was doing ok leaving them until I saw the empty car seats in my car. While they were in pre school I went and got a pedicure then went to get the kiddos balloons. justin did really well in underwear-he went in the bathroom and no one came in fast enough to help him so he did pee (but he tried-he knew where to go he just couldn’t pull down his own pants). I was so proud of them for being so brave and so good at school, I got Justin the biggest car balloon I could find and I got Nicole the biggest Hello Kitty. It was so exciting picking up the kids. They told me about their day, painted, rode bikes, what they ate for snack, etc. We got to the car and the kids loved the balloons, biggest smiles on their faces. We decided to meet daddy for lunch. Justin did so well in underwear telling us when he had to go during lunch. By the time we got back to the car, Justin’s balloon popped. So we went back to the party store and got him another one. We came home and the kiddos watched TV for a bit. I decided to give the kiddos a shower as I had to go to a preschool meeting this evening. The kiddos wanted to take a shower, they love squirting with the shower head. Justin could have stayed in the shower all day-he just loved it. Nicole decided when she was done and was so proud of herself turning off the water. Then we headed to Blue Gum, the kiddos in the bike trailer. They had so much fun at the park. We made sand cakes and castles and the kiddos climbed and went down the slides. They enjoyed climbing up the big slide. We came home and had dinner. Then I was off to a pre school meeting.

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